Friday, January 16, 2009

Busy, Busy

I apologize to everyone expecting a full blogpost, but I haven't had the copious amounts of time I would like to allot to my blog. Incidentally, I still don't. I'm still loving every (well almost every) minute of it! Soon enough our schedule will slow down and I'll have time to write proper blog entries. I am frequently reminded of many of you during my variety of experiences. Things I think you would enjoy, hate, tolerate, etc. Take care, and I'll do the same! I'll post again soon...


  1. glad to hear you are enjoying yourself. I expect a full rendition of all experiences in HD-DVD/Blue Ray format upon your return :). Live it up brosephian.

  2. update! update! update! =)

  3. James, I think soon has passed and you're now overdue for a post! Let us know what's going on over there in the great world of India. Some pictures would be nice too by the way!
