Friday, January 16, 2009

Busy, Busy

I apologize to everyone expecting a full blogpost, but I haven't had the copious amounts of time I would like to allot to my blog. Incidentally, I still don't. I'm still loving every (well almost every) minute of it! Soon enough our schedule will slow down and I'll have time to write proper blog entries. I am frequently reminded of many of you during my variety of experiences. Things I think you would enjoy, hate, tolerate, etc. Take care, and I'll do the same! I'll post again soon...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Getting Adjusted: First Several Days

We have arrived! The trip was mentally and physically exhausting, but we made it safe and sound!

Somewhere along the 14 hour plane ride, I lost my mind. Don't worry, I have since recovered it. I was bugging out, having to walk around every 5 minutes. Pacing, shifting around in my seat, and making disgusted faces at other members of the group were just some of the activities comprising my obnoxious flight behavior. I hereby apologize to those who still hold a grudge (Lara).

We arrived at the YMCA in New Delhi almost 24 hours after leaving Newark (including time change). The first night of sleep was shorter than expected. At 5:00am, Bryce, Jeff, & I finally gave up pretending to sleep, choosing to play 20 Questions instead. Bryce lost.

What a first day! After breakfast we loaded up into the bus and began a day of Delhi adventures. Our views from the bus were our first real exposure to the culture of India. Everyone was amazed and captivated by everything, from organized traffic chaos to little boys digging holes on the side of the street.

During the day we visited many historical sites of Delhi including Humayun's tomb, Red Fort, Old Delhi, and Gandi's Memorial. Old Delhi was definitely my favorite part of the day, as it felt like we were seeing the details of the culture. The rickshaw ride in Old Delhi was out of control. I felt sorry for the little man expected to pull Jeff and me around the tiny streets of the city. You know you're in India when monkeys are climbing around on a tangled mess of functioning power lines.

We were truly a spectacle. People stared at us, wanted pictures with us, and stood within our American comfort zones. Some awkward yet quite humorous interactions included the suggestive stares Jeff got from several men and the chokehold an old man threw at Bryce during the rickshaw ride. Haha, oh my.

This is only the beginning... so much awaits! Sorry there's no picture with this post. There will be some within the week! Peace!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3... 2... 1... Liftoff!

We're past the 12 hour mark!

Don't let the picture deceive you. My look is of frenzy, not fear. I have no misgivings; the awaiting adventures of India are too great for me to question my departure.

I haven't decided how much sleep I'll get tonight, based on a desire to pass transportation time with that very activity. I still need to do some final laundry and perfect my packing job...

Farewell, comfort of familiarity, I shall return!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go... but I can't yet. :\ These first several days before the departure for India are full of orientation/prep. Since my suite was absorbed by students actually living on campus this semester, I've been forced to mooch off of the kind gentlemen across the hall. My dresser is their living room floor, my desk is their dining room table, and my bed is their 5' 8" x 2' couch. My nights of sleep have been less than restful so far (I woke up with an impressive bruise on my leg that I can only hypothesize is from my inability to fit on the couch). Other than that, I can't complain. I almost wish I could take advantage of their hospitality for a little longer!
Friday is quickly arriving, and I'm getting eager. I suppose this serves as practice for the many moments to come on the trip that will require patience. I'm also excited after spending some time with the CC group and realizing how much fun we're all going to have together. Good group dynamics so far... definitely a positive sign.
Well, I'm off to spend time with the friends I won't be seeing for three months. I'll update once more before I leave!