Thursday, February 19, 2009

Last Week in the South

Hello again! It's been another enjoyable week full of faking our way through Hindi, woodcarving, getting my burn on, and wearing shirts displaying political goals that I know very little about.

Over the past weekend, we took another jaunt away from our educational woes and drove down to the beaches of Kovalam. Bryce, Jeff, and I ended up at a different part of the beach than everyone else in the group, but it served as a nice escape from the stresses of being part of a herd. Friday afternoon and all of Saturday were spent switching back and forth between laying out on beach chairs and riding waves. The water was a perfect temperature and the moderately violent waves were right up my alley. Unfortunately, as it always seems to happen, three coats of sunscreen and an umbrella were no match for the brutal beach sun. Being Valentine's Day, m skin was appropriately various shades of red, pink, and white.

The final four days of classes has been reminiscent of the last week of school, when I'm just getting antsy in anticipation of being done. Don't let Bryce fool you, he is not thinking about Hindi at all.

I was pleased to finish up my wooden elephant by the end of our time, and it only took me ten hours longer than it would have taken the teacher! :/

Tomorrow we fly back up to Delhi before going West, to a climate more my style and to the prospect of new adventures. I'm thoroughly excited, and glad that the flight is direct this time. Until next week...


  1. Hey, the elephant looks just like an elephant! Good job!

  2. Nice elephant dude! Good things take time right? Even if it is 10hrs longer than the teacher haha
    oh and sweet sweet Bryce how nice it is to see that sweet sweet face.
