Friday, April 17, 2009

The Journey's End

Our last week in India took place in Mussoorie, back in the North. Mussoorie is well known for its ritzy Woodstock Boarding School. Woodstock was our base for the week, with trips to the market and hikes scattered throughout the week. The area is GORGEOUS. Walking anywhere in Mussoorie is a workout, but the beautiful views at the tops of the mountains make the strain worth it.
The week was mostly uneventful, as everyone was racing to
finish the final synthesis paper by the due date. Fortunately, there was lots of down time to get it all completed. Easter in Mussoorie was special, not because anything lavish happened, but because I was in a place where I could truly feel God' presence, and fully appreciate the holiday's sentiments. Similarly, my birthday was also special. Being in India was all I really needed as celebration.
As I sit writing this post, I'm less than twelve hours from boarding the plane for home. When I left, I told many of you that I might disappear at the airport and vanish into India, living without the stressors of responsibilities. I promise, I will be on that plane. Although it may be tempting to run away from responsibility, the truth is that I don't know if I could do it. There's too many of you who I care about immensely. I eagerly anticipate all stressors of life if it means returning to all of you!
I'll post again after my return, to close off the adventure. For those at EMU... Saturday, early afternoon, Hillside 3rd. be there! :)

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